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In this episode we meet Read to Lead CHIEF Jeff Brown. He is the founder of the Read to Lead podcast and community.
Before beginning Read to Lead, he spent 26-years in radio and co-hosted an award-winning and nationally syndicated morning show from 2002 to 2008 with over a million listeners.
The Read to Lead Podcast began in 2013. Since then he's been fortunate to interview a number of New York Times bestselling authors including John Maxwell, Seth Godin, Dan Miller, Daniel Pink, Simon Sinek, Chris Brogan (not once but twice), Gary Vaynerchuk and Liz Wiseman among others.
It has been a top #10 Business and top #3 Career podcast in iTunes, is an iTunes Essentials podcast (Book Lovers), and has been nominated Best Business Podcast no fewer than three times.
I ask Jeff about:
- His 26-year career on US Radio and including hosting a national morning drive show with over a million listeners
- What is the most important lesson he learned from going out on his own that is so important for leaders still in the corporate world
- Which of his over 200 guests has stood out the most
- The importance of learning, taking action and relationships.
- …and much more
You can connect with Jeff on Twitter or Instagram @THEjeffbrown and to learn more about read to lead just visit here: http://readtoleadpodcast.com
Jeff recommends the following books:
- Die Empty by Todd Henry of The Accidental Creative
- Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman
Finally, if you’ve yet to rate the podcast, I hope you’ll do so soon. This actually helps keep the podcast visible. If you happen to think it 5-star worthy and leave a written review so I know who you are, I’ll send you a free book in the post. To rate and review the podcast, just visit https://chiefmaker.com/itunes.
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