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In this episode, we meet Peter Scott, former Chief of Submarines for the Royal Australian Navy on Leadership in high stakes environments and keeping purpose alive in your team.
Peter Scott joined the Royal Australian Navy as a Midshipman in 1983. His Command appointments have included service as Commander of the Submarine Task Group, Commander of the Surface Task Group and as the inaugural Commander of the Australian Maritime Warfare Centre.
Commodore Scott’s led active service in Iraq, the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan during 2006 and 2007. He was awarded a Commendation for Distinguished Service in the Australia Day Honours List 2008, having previously been decorated with the Conspicuous Service Cross for achievements in command of HMAS Collins.
Commodore Scott served as Director General Submarines and Head of the Submarine Profession from mid 2013 until his recent retirement from full time service. He continues to serve as an Active Reservist and executive coach for members of Navy's Senior Leadership Group. He was appointed as the inaugural Director, Defence NSW in June 2017.
Scott lives in Sydney and enjoys spending time with his wife Shaunaugh Worthington, their daughter Laura and the family dogs. His outdoor interests include cycling and competing in the occasional ultra marathon.
In this episode, he shares plenty of incredible stories from his time in the service and he outlines the five essential elements to submarine command:
- Combine knowledge and skill with experience;
- Exercise lucid judgment;
- make sound decisions;
- provide effective direction; and
- inspire your people.
Connecting with Peter Scott
You can reach Peter via LinkedIn.
Books and resources mentioned in the episode
- Submarine Command Paper – by Peter Scott
- Leadership in Action – by Major General, John Cantwell
- Exit Wounds – by Major General, John Cantwell
“I used to remind myself that in a crew of about 60 people at the very best I probably represented no more than 2%. My job really was to use that 2% of my knowledge and experience to draw out the other 98% and make the most of the knowledge and skill and experience of my crew.”
Instead of Full Show Notes
Chiefs, I don't normally do this but instead of giving you full show notes I high recommend downloading Peter's paper on submarine command. It is about a half hour read (longer if you take notes and do some self reflection as I did. You can get it for free and without giving any details here:
Final message of wisdom and hope for future leaders
- “Don't add to the fears of your people. You know, in, in all that you do and say, give them the courage to face what threatens them.”
Stay epic,
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