Aug 15, 2017
By Greg Layton
# 7
Todd Hunter
CEO, Turners Automotive
Humility and how pressure is a privilege
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In this episode you’ll hear from Todd Hunter, CEO Turners Automotive Group
Key Points:
Todd outlines that there will be times that you are scared shitless about what you're being asked to do but – pressure is a privilege – and someone believes you can do this.
Todd’s top messages include:
- When assessing an opportunity or role always ask yourself what can I learn from the people that I will be around?
- When you're faced with someone hostile – You listen more than you talk, you put yourself in their shoes, you try and understand where they're coming from.
- When you disagree with the direction of a business you have three options – you can win the person over, you can go around them or you can leave.
- You think people want you to have the answers, but you actually don't need to have them. All you need to have is the right questions.
Questions like:
- What is the evidence?
- What are the scenarios?
- What happens if that happens?
- Where are the risks?
- What do you think?
- Here is what I think, are we both comfortable with this?
- You have to have a place or person you can go to reaffirm your confidence
- Humility is such an important quality for a CEO to have
- I use a risk and opportunity filter for prioritising work – what has the biggest risk, what has the biggest opportunity
- 1:1 meetings with your team are vital for developing your team and catching them doing the right things and if they are drifting off track
- The most important thing for senior managers to focus on everyday is – what do I do on day-to-day basis that will deliver the company result?
- Everyone should spend some time in sales as every role has an element of sales to it. At some stage you need to sell someone on a concept or idea or to do something.
- Three things that I value the most in people – influencing skills, resilience and communication. Can they influence in a positive way and get people buying into a vision or project or idea? How do they react when things aren't going well? How they assess complex things and make them simple? Can they adjust their message and communication style for the audience they are addressing?
- To make a leap to C-Level you need a sponsor from the board
- You have to create an opportunity to build relationships with the board
- Ask the CEO, how do I get more exposure with the board, what can I do, have ideas for where you can contribute?
- You have to have a self-awareness e.g. what if I look at myself from above? How am I being perceived? What do I look and sound like?
- Make the most of every opportunity your given
- You will be presented with a number of opportunities in life and some of them will scare you to hell but if you don’t a crack you'll never know
- Pressure is a privilege
- There will be times that you are scared shitless about what you're being asked to do – but pressure is a privilege – and someone believes you can do this.
Nominated Charity:
Todd's nominated charity is SDAA – Students Agaist Dangerous Driving – https://sadd.org.nz
12 week leadership development program
Limited places available
Next intake starting soon!