leadership workshops

The performance of your managers and leaders ultimately determines the success of your business strategy and the evolution of your company culture. Developing a high performance culture is critical if you want your business to stand out from the crowd.

why invest in your leaders?

Navigating large scale organisational transformations is a complex game. Chief Maker Leadership Workshops are designed to make the process easier for your leaders to navigate change and deliver results. Using the Chief Maker High Performance Teams Model, we coach your leaders in the key frameworks and skills to unite their teams, build accountability and a renewed culture that inspires their people and drives results.

build the right culture

By developing tight team bonds and increasing trust, your leaders create a culture of accountability, excellence and increased staff engagement.

execute with precision

With a new operating rhythm, detailed metrics and the right tools, your leaders learn to make smart, data-driven decisions that deliver results within the project time frame.

bring everyone on the journey

With clarity over the vision and a dedicated focus on stakeholder engagement and internal communication, your leaders will unite and inspire their team.


leadership workshops

  • Customised Chief Maker Academy
  • Access to online learning modules
  • Virtual or face-to-face group coaching
  • Customised program design
  • Collaboration with people & talent leaders
  • Pre-event interviews & benchmarking
  • Post-event review & recommendations

Greg's work is at the cutting edge of elite performance. I found through his broad life and work experiences, his desire to remain at the front of his field was infectious. Whether he chose a more personal approach to extract information or effectively communicate expectations or a group environment where he excels in facilitating group discussions, the interaction was always a positive one.

Richard Graham, Queensland Reds

I absolutely loved your session. In another league to anything I have done before. Such easy ways to look at things.

Debra Castle, Target

It was impressive to see the team coming together, awakening to the idea that by working as a team with a clear purpose, supporting one another, success would be possible.

Graham Crew, Acacia Mining

Greg has impeccable judgement when he facilitates any session, knowing when to lean in, when to allow others to, when to draw on research, case studies and real world examples. Greg also doesn’t take himself too seriously and can lighten up the mood when needed.

Angela Tsoukatos, Sydney Water

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