3 essential tactics for working at level as an executive

3 essential tactics for working at level as an executive

In today’s minisode, I’m going to discuss how to work at level in a strategic or executive role. What I mean by work at level is to actually do the work of your role. If you're in a senior executive role, it is not your role anymore to do the heavy lifting. Your role...
5 Leadership lessons from a game-changing Executive Team

5 Leadership lessons from a game-changing Executive Team

In today’s minisode, I’m going to discuss five uncommon leadership lessons from a powerhouse executive team with whom I have worked for around five years. This team has done an incredible job, continually growing underlying profit, increasing their market share,...
How to get your leadership team to think strategically

How to get your leadership team to think strategically

In today’s minisode, I’m going to cover the exact strategies you need to use in order to get your leadership team to think strategically at the organisational level. The reality is that a lot of leaders are technically great, but they need to get out of their...