by Greg Layton | Mar 6, 2024
In today’s minisode, I’m going to cover my top three tips on beating overwhelm. Everyone who is in a senior role in an organisation is getting crushed, under the pump, got endless meetings to attend, a thousand tasks to execute strategy and run operations, needy...
by Greg Layton | May 3, 2023
G’day Chiefs In today’s minisode, I am going to go through how I build my operating rhythm and how you can too. There is a great quote from author William Edwards Deming, “If you can't describe what you're doing as a process, you don't know what you're...
by Greg Layton | Nov 30, 2022
G’day Chiefs In today’s minisode, I want to help you to make massive moves by allocating time in your diary to slow down and be more strategic. We're going to talk in depth about something that I've had a growing passion for over time. It's called deep thinking time,...