by Greg Layton | Aug 24, 2023
“All great Chiefs have learned how to have difficult conversations and give feedback properly and they do this regularly.” G’day Chiefs In today’s minisode I am going to go through the five mistakes leaders make when having hard performance conversations. Now, in my...
by Greg Layton | Jun 9, 2022
In this episode of The Inner Chief podcast, you’ll hear from Daniel Penny, Co-Founder and MD of Mustard Creative Agency, on going beyond the brief, working with agencies, and understanding your influence. Daniel co-founded Mustard Creative Agency in 2001 with his...
by Greg Layton | Feb 26, 2020
G’day Chiefs, I've received an email from a listener, Damian, who's got a very tricky problem: a colleague named Wayne Kerr who is very difficult to deal with. “Mate, the guy is Teflon. He's useless, but he has power. He takes credit for other's work, talks the...
by Greg Layton | Feb 18, 2019
Our High Performance Teams series now enters part 13, and we’re right into the Culture pillar, where today we look at how to get your team focussed on winning and collaborating intensively. In the last 2 weeks, we spoke about high performance lifecycles and how to use...