with greg layton

The Inner Chief is for leaders, professionals and small business owners who want to accelerate their career and growth. Our guest chiefs and gurus share powerful stories and strategies so you can have more purpose, influence and impact in your career.

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Welcome to 2025!

In today’s episode, I've just got three big questions for you.

If you can answer these, I think you can make 2025 your best year ever.

Question 1: What is my focus?

Far too many of us are spreading ourselves thin. We're firing shotguns and we should be firing sniper rifles. If we're going to be great leaders, we have to be able to focus on only a few things at a time.

So, I want you to get down to three things that you are going to achieve in 2025: one at work, one in your personal life around relationships, and one around your fitness. Three big goals.

We want them locked in now so that you can say to yourself by the end of 2025, I'm going to have done A, B and C.

Question 2: Who are my fans?

Have I got a support crew? Who is in my entourage? Have I got a network that promotes me when I am not in the room?

One of the things we find for things like the MiniMBA and the Council of Chiefs is that it’s the bouncing back of ideas, coupled with a little bit of coaching, that ensures we get to the end game as fast as possible.

So, for instance, if one of your things was going to be that you want to meditate every week for the next year, get yourself a meditation coach. Don't try and do that on your own. There's a reason the best in the world always have some sort of coach. It's not by accident. They always have them because they can just show you the next step, they will help you cut corners, and enable you to make gains faster than ever before.

Your support crew could be a coach, a leader, your peers. And if you've got your focus and you've got your support crew, then you're really on the way for a massive year.

Question 3: Where in my calendar is deep thinking time?

I spoke to you in the last episode just before the end of the end of the year about the importance of focus, about the importance of creativity and making sure we bring the human element to work again. Well, that doesn't happen if all you're doing is rushing around being transactional. We've got to get off the dance floor. We're to get up nice and high, away from work. And we need to calm the farm and to breathe and to reflect on our work. If you add this into your year, then I absolutely guarantee you that things will work out better.

How do I really get there?

Chief, to help you get there quicker, I have got 3 great resources. 

If you want more focus and a strategy to get there, you can get the Game Plan course. It's really affordable for what you get out of it.

If you want to build your support crew, either join the MiniMBA or our Council of Chiefs (invite only). These are a wonderful opportunity for you to just absolutely skyrocket your skill set and massively increase your network overnight.

If you want to work out how to find that time to do deep thinking time, you can get a free download called Operating Rhythm and that will help you work out how to structure your year. You can also get our course on How to Save an Hour A Day and that will really get you working more efficiently and be able to compound your efforts over time. Time that otherwise didn’t exist before!

So, Chief, if you do these big three things – get the focus on three big goals for the whole year, get your support crew around you and make sure you've got the deep thinking time – then you have the three foundational building blocks to all high performance.

No high performance happens without those three big things, so make sure they're embedded into a new year ahead. 

This is going to be the best year ever for you, Chief!

Stay epic,
